Sunday, June 3, 2012

Marvelous May!

Where has time gone?!?  I can't believe it is already June and we're looking to the end of the school year!  Here are some glimpses into what we've been doing lately....
Kaleb 15 months old...LOVES playing with water and sand:)

The boys deciding who is going to be "It" for tag with their friends.

Eating lunch with some friends!

One of the many climbing things to enjoy at Kettler Hof - an amusement-type park with only things for kids to run around, climb over and through, play with water and sand.  The perfect place to take a bunch of active boys!!!

Liam helping sell the goodies in the USA booth.

 ISD (International School of Dusseldorf) had an International Fest one Saturday.  About 20 countries from the school had booths where they sold native food, drinks, games, etc.  It was a chance to experience a little of the diverse cultures we have represented at the boys' school.
Flag Parade at the International Fest (on the soccer pitch/playground of their school)

There are 62 countries represented at ISD.  Pretty amazing who the boys interact with every day!

Kaleb has grown!  Escaping outside is one of his favorite activities:)
Exploring EVERYTHING!:)

Liam and Kaleb both LOVE water.  Kaleb didn't realize he wasn't suppose to get in fully dressed!:)

Playing with some "new" toys - from a family that is moving back to the States.

At the boys' cub scout ceremony

Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Reading cards and opening presents
Checking out Daddy's new Top Gear car book!
I've been volunteering at school in the I-Garden (International Garden).  There is a section of the playground dedicated to growing plants and vegetables.  Twice a week Kaleb and I go in during lunch recess.  The boys are always excited to see us:)  Here we just finished prepping the bed and planting the gourd plants.  Hopefully we have a large harvest in the fall!