Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday Market Purchases

Fridays bring local markets to our area.  There is one in Kaiserswerth, which is the larger town/area 10 minutes away from here and where the bus takes us.  I often visit that market while I'm waiting for my bus to come after I drop the boys off at school.

There is also a market in Angermund.  This Friday I got off the bus two stops early and shopped in the market in our little town. 

Here are the things I bought this week.  The bread was surprisingly soft which the boys were excited about...normally the bread here has a hard crust which they're not fans of.  (It's almost all gone already.)  Yummy fresh baked goods...and beautiful fresh spring flowers!

Fresh breads, daffodils, and bird seed/suet ball.  (Kaleb LOVES to watch the birds!)


The bakeries often give a free roll to the kids.  Here's Kaleb enjoying his roll!  He was proud of himself.
This just made me laugh:)  He makes this face when he sees the camera.


  1. SO cute! I love those chubby little cheeks!

    1. He's got some kissable ones! Very sweet. Hope you're doing well with the waiting. Thinking about you all and hope it goes well.
