Thursday, August 16, 2012

School Begins Again!

Today was the first day of school!  The boys were excited to see all of their friends and meet their new teachers.  The class lists were just published yesterday and everyone is pleased.  Alex and Liam both have male teachers which is new and exciting for them.  Carter is in class with lots of friends and a great teacher.
Ready for the 1st day!  Liam in 1st grade.  Alex and Carter in 3rd grade.

Waiting at our bus stop.

Our little town is completely under construction with three different sections of one lane traffic.  With all of this back-up and congestion we decided to get on the bus 30 minutes earlier than normal.  The bus gets delayed and we didn't want to be late on the first day of school.

On the bus...thinking about the day ahead.

It was a quiet ride in compared to how busy it usually is on the bus.  We got to Kaiserswerth 30 minutes early and ate our picnic breakfast.  So as to not have to get up too early, we didn't take the time to eat at home .  It was going to be a long day as it is! 
From there we caught the train two stops to school.  We still ended up early, but didn't have to wait too long.

Everyone gathered on the playground until the bell rang.  It was fun to see everyone after the summer.  Then, the kids each found their teacher who led them into their room.  Here they are waiting in their classes to enter the school.  They gave me a kiss and hug and were on their way to the new year!
Alex's teacher and class

Carter's teacher and class

Liam with his teacher and class

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